Monday, November 26, 2012


Beautiful autumn morning. Great day for a baby to be born! :)

HAD to put this in, because mom was DYING for a Coke the whole time.

Very zen. It was amazing to witness.

I was quite frankly AMAZED at Cynthia's strength & focus. She went ALL NATURAL. To me, that is more impressive than climbing Mt. Everest.

This was mom's big "I NEED to push" moment.

The role of a doula. Such comfort.
 Cynthia was AMAZING. She went from this to holding baby in 59 seconds. I could barely get a shot in. VERY fast pace (hence the slight blurriness) 

Cutting the cord. Now WHO would take this photo if I weren't there? Don't forget Dads: I'm here for you too! :) 

Celebratory fist bump. Classic.

This moment right here. This is one that you can't ever get back. Some dads are hesitant to have the birth photographed. But they don't' realize that I'm also there for HIM! He doesn't have to worry about whipping out the camera phone. He can spend all of his attention on cherishing mom & baby. :)

{Baby Bare Photography ~ Eagle Moutain Utah County Newborn Toddler Birth Story Photographer}


  1. Great job, Stacey! I love the picture where the parents are cuddling their baby and also that adorable shot with the baby on the scale! So cute!

    1. Thanks, Mali! Sorry I didn't see this sooner! Sending you love!
